Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm Back!

So I realize that it has been an obscene amount of time since I last updated. I apologize. When I last posted in October we were heading into the holiday season (and Halloween is sooooooo a holiday) and I was heading into the last trimester of pregnancy number 2. But now I am back (hopefully) on a more regular basis. So here is what has been going on:

- I gave birth to an adorable baby girl
- Went back to work as soon as the doctor gave me the thumbs up
- My job basically doubled in the amount of work, but thankfully my annual review came around and I got a bit of a raise
- The husband and I have been on a date I have lost 19 lbs...I am now pre-baby weight...correction....pre-baby #1 weight
- We have also been tossing around ideas as to where we would like to move in the (hopefully) near future...currently Savannah, GA and Orlando, FL are the frontrunners
- We have been trying to keep Liam from killing his sister (Sissy) with kindness...he hates to hear her cry so he comes running with a binkie and her teddy bear declaring "Sissy sad"...he then shakes the teddy bear in her face and scares is cute
- I have been tossing around new job ideas...I love my job most days, but it does not challenge my challenges my patience...Event Planning is looking like an option...I will be meeting with a friend soon to discuss going into business together after she gives birth to little Lucy (2010 - the year of the baby girl...I know no less than 5 women who have given birth to girls)
- On July 30, 31, and August 1 I will be walking in my first Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk...I was supposed to walk last year but pregnancy doesn't really allow for walking 60 miles in a weekend...I have to raise $2,300 in order to participate...please donate generously :-)
- I am dealing with the my mother's death...Today marks the one year anniversary of her passing and I am not sure how good I am doing with dealing with it....I miss her so much every day

Well it is now approaches 11pm and I should really get to bed...a long day of work tomorrow. Hopefully I will update again this week! Good Night my faithful readers (the few of you there are)

Please leave me comments! I would love to hear from you!