Monday, July 27, 2009

An Blogging

I am obsessed with blogs.

I read mommy-blogs all the time. Who wouldn't want to know the latest method of getting your child to eat or sleep...even if it doesn't work with your kid.

I read money saving blogs...but let's be honest...I just want free ice cream coupons.

I read funny blogs... there is a Top 11 blog that is hysterical...even if the guy is from Cleveland and that knocks his street cred down a notch in my book.

I read friend's blogs...In Bug's Drawers for example...what girl truely doesn't love fashion? I mean even if you suck at it and are a frumpy mommy by age 25 (hmph!).

I read blogs to end Breast Cancer!!!!! Hence my blog is PINK!

So I decided to start my own blog...partly because I lost my voice last night/today because I can't shut up and this allows me the privilege of continuing to talk without sounding like Kermit has taken up permanent residence in my throat (but if you know me feel free to pretend to hear's funny!). Now I hope that I will update this regularly (and not always while at work! opps!!) but I know myself...and my toddler...and "The Riddler" in my belly (sex to be found out August 25th!) so I know that regular blogging might be totally out of the picture...but I hope not. Now if you have come here looking for something specific...good luck! I don't even know what I am going to write about...but I can guarantee plenty of comedy, opinions (like 'em or not!), and there will be pictures of my kiddo(s!). If you want to see more of something feel free to let me know...I love to hear other people's opinions...and then fight with them about the :-)


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